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Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering online summer schools (Architecture of Eco-Tourism Complexes in the Arctic and Urban Planning)


Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Hokkaido University, School and Graduate School of Engineering

Date and time:

Architecture of Eco-Tourism Complexes in the Arctic, 5-16 July 2021
Urban Planning: Architectural Design from Sketch to 3D Model, 10-24 July 2021


Architecture of Eco-Tourism Complexes in the Arctic:

Fedor Perov, SPbGASU
Aleksandra Eremeeva, SPbGASU
Andrey Surovenkov, SPbGASU
Prof. Takafumi Fukuyama, Hokkaido University
Prof. Taro Mori, Hokkaido University
Prof. Tsuyoshi Setoguchi, Hokkaido University

Urban Planning: Architectural Design from Sketch to 3D Model:

See the website

Participation fee:

250 EURO.

Registration deadline:

July 1, 2021

Website and registration link:

Architecture of Eco-Tourism Complexes in the Arctic

Urban Planning: Architectural Design from Sketch to 3D Model

For inquiries:

Architecture of Eco-Tourism Complexes in the Arcticэ contact Aleksandra Eremeeva, PhD in Architecture, Associate Professor of SPbGASU, arch.eremeeva@gmail.com

Urban Planning: Architectural Design from Sketch to 3D Model: Olga Pastukh, PhD in Architecture, Associate Professor of SPbGASU, past.ola.a@gmail.com

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