平成29年度 文部科学省 大学の世界展開力強化事業 採択プログラム (令和3年度終了)

SDGs : Environment, Resource Development, Multicultural Education

The specialized section “SDGs: Environment, Resource Development and Multicultural Education” was established in August 2020 with a view to expanding the areas of specialist training in the section (4) “Energy Development”.

This original section corresponded to the “Energy development” part of the 8-point Cooperation plan proposed at the Japan-Russia Summit meeting in 2016. It was reorganized into the new section “SDGs: Environment, Resource Development and Multicultural Education”, in view of the potential that the Japanese-Russian collaboration in training specialists in these areas (not only energy development, but also environment, resource development and multicultural education, and the SGDs encapsulating the global challenges) has for strengthening cooperation between Japan and Russia and finding solutions to the global problems.

This section will focus on the topics at the core of sustainable development, which is one of the key concepts underpinning the values of the modern global society and is an issue area where Japan-Russia collaboration may be beneficial to global society in general. The new section comprises projects aiming at training specialists who will contribute to achieving the SDGs, such as the regional and global environmental issues related to resource development and social issues faced by local communities including indigenous peoples.

To this end, the HaRP Secretariat consolidates, shares and disseminates information and experience of the specialized section member universities running joint education programs with Russia. It also encourages member universities to form consortiums with Japanese and Russian government bodies and private companies. These undertakings are expected to contribute to efficient training of Japanese and Russian specialists in the fields selected in each particular case.

Participating universities:
Hokkaido University (leader university), Tohoku University, Kanazawa University, Tokai University, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, Muroran Institute of Technology





