On Wednesday, June 30, 2021, the 7th Meeting of the Committee for Personnel Exchanges between Japan and Russia was held online. There were a total of 42 participants, including five secretaries, eight committee members, and 29 administrative staff from Japanese universities.
The meeting was concerned with the guidelines for transferring credits between Japanese and Russian universities, which the committee is currently developing. Based on the results of a survey conducted by Altai State University, one of the member universities of the Association of Institutions of Higher Education of the Russian Federation and Japan, a draft guideline was presented that includes “network form of the implementation of educational program,” a form of joint education in Russia. The committee will continue to discuss these guidelines and aim to complete them by the end of this fiscal year. Furthermore, it was decided that Russian universities would be invited to participate in the next meeting of the Committee for Personnel Exchanges between Japan and Russia in order to share information on student exchange with Russia during the ongoing COVID-19 crisis and to discuss future exchange between Japan and Russia.