平成29年度 文部科学省 大学の世界展開力強化事業 採択プログラム (令和3年度終了)


Online Conference “Building Education Systems and Creating Teaching Materials for Bilingual Children”

On October 23 (Sat.) and 24 (Sun.), 2021, an international conference on “Building Education Systems and Creating Teaching Materials for Bilingual Children” was hosted by the Research Faculty of Media and Communication of Hokkaido University, the Japanese Society for Russian Language Education, the Japan Association of Russian Language School Teachers, and HaRP.

This symposium was a continuation of the international conference on “Russian Language Education in Japan: Native Language, Heritage Language and Foreign Language: Experience, Issues and Perspectives of the Young Generation” that was held on February 6 (Sat.) and 7 (Sun.), 2021. Presentations were given by 5 graduate students from Japanese and Russian universities, 7 faculty members, 4 representatives of citizens’ groups involved in Russian language education, and 3 parents of bilingual children. In addition to those from Japan and Russia, Russian language education experts from the United States, Andorra, Germany, Israel, and Korea also participated in the conference and gave research presentations and activity reports.

At the conference, participants discussed issues in Russian language education from the perspectives of teachers, trainees, parents, and learners. On the second day, a research exchange that delved into the themes of “Building Education Systems and Creating Teaching Materials” was held. A total of 113 people, including Russian language teachers, researchers, and students from around the world, participated in the conference, actively exchanged views, and had fruitful discussions on the future development of research and education.


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