平成29年度 文部科学省 大学の世界展開力強化事業 採択プログラム (令和3年度終了)


”Japan-Russia Online Lectures on Medical Sciences and Healthcare”

From December 9 (Wed) to 11 (Fri), 2020, Niigata University (HaRP “Health and Medicine Section”) and Krasnoyarsk State Medical University jointly conducted the “Japan-Russia Online Lectures on Medical Sciences and Healthcare” for Japanese and Russian medical students.

For this project, medical scholars and surgeons who are at the forefront of their respective fields gave lectures in English six times over three days, one lecture per day at each university in Japan and Russia. The lectures covered a wide range of topics, including neurobiology and anatomy, clinical psychology, atomic bomb disease treatment, microbiology, cardiovascular surgery, and diagnostic radiology, in an effort to cover a wide range of fields from basic science to the most advanced clinical techniques.

After the lecture, questions from students were accepted via chat, and there was a lot of active exchange between students and faculty members. Each session was attended by about 300 people, with a total of about 1,600 participants over the three days, and the students listened intently to lectures on Japanese and Russian medicine, which was a rare opportunity for them.

Professor Hirohide Takebayashi of Niigata University School of Medicine giving a lecture

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